Welcome to the Friday Update from GREATER MSP's Federal Funding Hub. A special shout out to our new subscribers this week!
The purpose of this message is to share information so that our region can make the most of the opportunities under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
Upcoming Opportunities
Eligible applicants for EDA competitive grants are invited to sign up for “Office Hours with our U.S. EDA Representative.” EDA informed GREATER MSP that they are not receiving as many grant applications from applicants in the MSP region as the rest of the state. To help eligible applicants connect with EDA, GREATER MSP is coordinating short 1:1 sessions with EDA for potential applicants to ask questions and receive feedback. All potential applicants with eligible projects are invited to participate!
EDA News
The EDA invested $3.4 Million in CARES Act Recovery Assistance to support broadband expansion in Northwest Minnesota
Racial Equity and ARPA Resources
Check out this article on 3 principals for Antiracist, Equitable State Response to COVID-19
Read about how ARPA funds can be used with an equity lens
ARPA Resources
This webinar focused on how non-entitlement units of government (generally those with 50,000 or less in population) will receive their ARPA allocations from the State of Minnesota.
Be in Touch Please reach out to me with your questions and ideas regarding federal funding in our region. You can send an email or book time with me via my scheduling app. Also, please let me know if you know of someone who wants to be added to this list.
Thank you!