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Funding Opportunities










Funding under the American Rescue Plan Act is provided in different ways, including through payments to individuals, formula funds to organizations, as well as competitive funds. For a comprehensive view of ARPA funding to states and local governments, download the Nowak Metro Finance Lab's ARPA spreadsheet here. 


For a list of formula fund allocations to MSP cities and counties, see this page.


Competitive funding opportunities within ARPA total $47.7 billion across 11 federal agencies. Many of these funds encompass multiple programs.


Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act (IIJA):


Small Surface Water and Groundwater Storage Projects: The U.S. Department of the Interior (Department), through the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) administers the Small Surface and Groundwater Storage Program (Small Storage Program) to promote Federal assistance to enhance water storage opportunities for future generations in support of the Department’s priorities. Reclamation leverages Federal and non-Federal funding to support stakeholder efforts to stretch scarce water supplies and avoid conflicts over water. 


Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization:  The Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization program area (IED) supports innovation in technologies and the adoption of practices to enable the industrial sector to cost-effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

IED and its programs are critical to putting the Nation on a pathway to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030 when compared to 2005 levels, and to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. 


Other EDA programs


DEED programs


Notice of Intent (NOI) 

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE): The DOE launched more than $28 Million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for research and development (R&D) projects that will advance and preserve hydropower as a critical source of clean energy. This Notice of Intent (NOI) will offer three funding opportunities this fall to support research, development, and deployment of hydropower, including pumped storage hydropower, which can play a key role in integrating variable renewable energy sources on the electric grid.  



To request a letter of support for your application, please contact Allison Bell, Federal Funding Hub Lead, at


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