The following is a frequently-updated collection of ARPA websites and updates from MSP cities and counties. For lists of ARPA funding allocations, see our Resources page.
Anoka County​
11/22/2022-Anoka County: All but $500,000 of the $69.840 million received in federal American Rescue Plan Act funding has been budgeted by the Anoka County Board. Eligible categories are public health expenditures, negative economic impacts, replacing lost public safety revenue, premium pay for essential workers and infrastructure investment, such as water, sewer and broadband. However, the website states that ARPA dollars cannot be used for pension contributions, rainy day funds, debt payments, reducing taxes/levies and as a match for other federal programs.
10/29/2022-A contracts package totaling $22.274 million, plus $1 million for contingencies, to construct the Emergency Communications and Radio Shop was unanimously approved by the Anoka County Board Sept. 27. The project will house the county’s emergency communications department (911 dispatch), which is currently located in the basement of the Anoka County Government Center, and the existing radio shop on Bunker Lake Boulevard under one roof off Bunker Lake Boulevard in Andover near the Hanson Boulevard intersection and the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office. According to Chief Finance Officer Cory Kampf, the county has earmarked $20 million from its allocation of federal American Rescue Plan Act dollars to pay a portion of the cost with the balance coming from either bonding and/or county internal resources like the asset preservation fund.
09/30/2022-The board approved a package of contracts for the construction of a new emergency communications center, estimated at $22,274,000. The county allocated $20 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act dollars towards this project. Read more about the project here.
09/20/2022- The Anoka County Board has considered recommending the county board approve the attached package of contracts for construction of the Emergency Communications and Radio Shop. The County has currently allocated $20 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) towards this project. Additional funds may come from future bonding or other sources that will be discussed during 2023.
09/03/2022-The Anoka County Board on Aug. 23 approved $100,000 from its federal American Rescue Pan Act allocation that will be distributed to five food shelves in the county ($20,000 each), while the Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority, also on Aug. 23, authorized grants to two food shelves from its federal Community Development Block Grant pot
08/14/2022-Anoka County has gone for bids for construction of a new emergency communications center and radio shop building in Andover. This is the first phase of a proposed public safety package that will also include a new county jail and parking ramp in the city of Anoka, which are both in the planning stage. The county is planning to use $20 million from its allocation of American Rescue Plan Act dollars to pay for the project, plus money from the county’s asset preservation fund and/or bonding.
07/29/2022-Anoka County Annual Recovery Plan 2022
07/25/2022- Anoka County plans to extend sewer and water services to a large area of Bunker Hills Regional Park using ARPA dollars to help pay for the project. Most of the regional park currently has aging wells and septic systems built in the 1980s, which require constant and expensive repairs and maintenance. On the recommendation of its Parks Committee, the Anoka County Board July 12 unanimously awarded a contract to consultant TKDA for design, engineering and project management work.
03/25/2022- The board adopted a budget allocation amendment for the $69,840,121 it expects to receive in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The updated plan leaves about $2.5 million unallocated. The categories to which funds are currently allocated are public health, negative economic impact, services to disproportionately impacted communities, premium pay, infrastructure, revenue replacement, and grant administration
10/12/2021- American Rescue Plan Act Action Items- Anoka County Board of Commissioners approved setting aside S3,150,000 American Rescue Plan funds to provide matching funds up to 5150,000 per community towards broadband projects
09/28/21 County Board Meeting- The County Board approved a resolution adopting a budget for Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Funds (CLFRF) received through the American Rescue Plan Act.
Resolution-96 - Establishing Budget Allocations for Anoka County American Rescue Plan Act Funds (Known as ARPA Funds) Received from the Federal Government Through the United States Department of the Treasury.
Resolution 95- Accepting American Rescue Plan Act Funds (Known as ARPA Funds) From the Federal Government Through the United States Department of the Treasury and Certifying That Anoka County Will Adhere to the Guidelines as Established by the United States Department of the Treasury.
Anoka County Recovery Plan-This guide helps lay out how the ARPA funds will be used in Anoka County
07/14/2022- Carver County commissioners awarded contracts for two major initiatives at their regular meeting June 28. One was a construction contract for the proposed waterfront services building at Lake Waconia Regional Park; the second a contract for the Connect Up Carver County initiative to bring internet broadband the “last mile” to Carver County, primarily unserved and underserved rural areas of the county. The bulk of funding will come from COVID-19 relief money and federal stimulus dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act.
06/28/2022- Carver County’s Board of Commissioners approved a bid from Metronet in support of its CarverLink Fiber Network "Connect Up Carver" broadband internet initiative. With “Connect Up Carver’s” anticipated completion in 2024 and other Federal and State programs in the works, Carver County would become the first Minnesota county with nearly 100% fiber internet access to every residential and business address
03/31/2022- The bulk of the American Rescue Plan Act money has been spent on items like public health expenses, housing and household assistance programs, broadband and other technology, small business assistance, and other costs related to the pandemic. About $9.6 million remains unallocated. At their meeting March 15, county commissioners authorized another $1 million-plus in immediate funding requests.
This presentation by Carver County CDA outlines a request for $5M in ARPA funds for housing projects.
Carver County provided the Humanity Alliance a grant of $300,000 for the housing part of the project, and the CDA provided a $149,999 loan for the commercial kitchen. See more details in this presentation.
The County will provide $600,000 in ARPA funds for West Creek Apartments for homeless youth.
01/13/2022 -Carver County and CDA extend COVID-19 housing assistance program
12/09/2021-Carver County approves ARPA funding for housing projects 11/16/2021- Carver County Board of Commissioners the Carver County Board of Commissioners approved ARPA funds in the amount of $200,000 for the housing assistance program
09/07/2021- Priority Project List on housing and business projects using the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) dollars
08/24/2021- 2022 Budget - One-Time Items Funded by ARP Funds
Chisago County
11/16/2022-The Chisago County Board of Commissioners approved a loan that will help Chisago City buy property adjacent to the city’s industrial park at the commissioners’ meeting held Wednesday, Nov. 2. County Administrator Chase Burnham asked the commissioners to stipulate where they wished to draw the payment from, should they approve it. Options for the county included monies from its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) from the federal government, its Capital Improvement Plans moneys, or money taken directly from the general fund.
07/23/2022-The Chisago County commissioners presented more fund to area schools by confirming several outlays at their Wednesday, July 6, meeting. On June 1 the commissioners created the Chisago County Grant program, which would use funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to fund vocational programming at the six schools that draw students within the county. At the June 15 meeting, the commissioners approved applications for funds from Braham and Cambridge-Isanti schools. At this meeting, the commissioners approved the funding requests from Forest Lake, North Branch and Rush City.
07/02/2022-The Chisago commissioners received the first requests for school funding from the Braham and Cambridge-Isanti school districts. The county has allocated $600,000 in funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to be split among the six school districts that draw students from the county, with the amount of available funding based on the percentage of the county’s students at each school.
04/21/2022-Director Tart reviewed a wish list for potential ARPA funds: Build a new Parks Maintenance Facility, new Chisago County Nature/Community Center Building, installation of a mountain bike course, Swedish Immigrant Regional Trial (SIRT) connections (dependent on HWY 8 project). Director Schneider added additional projects could include new Ki Chi Saga and Fish Lake Parks multiple use buildings. General discussion was held on Checkerboard Park and installation of additional hiking trails/boardwalks.
11/25/2022-Dakota County officials will hear feedback on a proposed mental health crisis and recovery center in West St. Paul at a community engagement meeting Thursday. The West St. Paul City Council will vote on the project on Dec. 12. Some residents have expressed concerns about transparency and neighborhood safety after learning more about the project in recent weeks. Owned by Dakota County and operated by mental health service provider Guild, the proposed facility would provide 16 beds for both intensive and short-term mental health care at the site of the current northeast parking lot of the Dakota County Northern Service Center. $3.4 million will come from state bonding, $2.5 million from Dakota County’s American Rescue Plan funding, $1.5 million in other state funding and $750,000 from partner contributions, according to the county’s website.
11/09/2022- There is a significant backlog of criminal cases in the Dakota County District Court. The backlog was caused by the inability to conduct jury trials and other hearing types for a significant period dating back to March 16, 2020. Dakota County authorized the use of American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to add 3.0 FTE To County Attorney’s Office Criminal Division in response to the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic and amend County Attorney's Office and non-departmental 2021 budgets.
10/05/2022- Dakota County leaders and state and federal lawmakers celebrated the groundbreaking of a new South St. Paul Library on Oct. 4, calling it a long-awaited project that will benefit the community in many ways. The library project is funded with $11.3 million from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) passed during the COVID-19 pandemic. U.S.
09/06/2022-The Dakota County Board's vote to approve a construction bid and contract has cemented plans for a new, county-operated South St. Paul library to be located by the high school, ending a yearslong debate over the library's ideal location and who should run it. Dakota County will fund the library's construction with American Rescue Plan money,
State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Compliance R​eport (2021 Q4)
State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Compliance R​eport (2022 Q1)
State and Local ​Fiscal Recovery Fund Compliance R​eport (2022 Q2)
08/02/2022- The Dakota County Board of Commissioners has approved using $250,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to create the Workforce Mobility Program at Dakota County Technical College and Inver Hills Community College. The new program will provide free tuition to Dakota County residents, age 18 and up, seeking training in Boiler Operation, Class A CDL, Welding, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Phlebotomy, Intro to Early Childhood Education, and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Priority is given to Dakota County residents with financial need.
07/28/2022-Dakota County received two installments of Federal Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) funds.
The first through the Consolidated Appropriations Act ($12.8 million - ERA1) and the second
through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) ($10.1 million - ERA2). The ARP provides $5 billion to assist individuals or households who are homeless, at risk of homelessness and other vulnerable populations. These grant funds will be administered through HOME Dakota County. Dakota County Recovery Plan Performance Report 2022 Final -
06/29/2022-Dakota County released their new American Rescue Plan - State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Transparency website
06/17/2022-Made possible by $250,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding distributed to Dakota County and approved for use by the county’s Board of Commissioners, the Workforce Mobility Program at Dakota County Technical College and Inver Hills Community College will provide free tuition to Dakota County residents seeking training in key, high-demand industry sectors.
05/05/2022-The first all-inclusive city park playground in Farmington could come to reality with American Rescue Plan Act Funds and lead to redesigning of Rambling River Park. This is one of many city projects that could come to fruition with $2.52 million in ARPA funds. The funds have been allocated to the city based on the most recent guidance from the U.S. Treasury, and the city can elect to treat funds as revenue replacements for infrastructure, maintenance projects, and road building, among other areas
04/10/2022- Dakota County schools receive $4.4M for library funding, internet access. Schools in the 2nd Congressional District received $4.478 million in Federal Communications Commission’s Emergency Connectivity Fund Program. The ECF program, which was created as part of the American Rescue Plan, helps schools and libraries ensure that students can connect to the internet at home, allowing them to take advantage of online learning and complete their homework
04/08/2022- The Dakota County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on April 19, 2022, at 9 a.m. in the Boardroom of the Dakota County Administration Center, 1590 West Highway 55, Hastings, for the purpose of receiving comments from the general public on the Dakota County HOME Investment Partnerships Program American Rescue Plan (HOME (ARP) Allocation Plan.
03/18/2022- Dakota County Consortium's HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME-ARP) is using American Rescue Plan dollars to create affordable housing programs and Non-Congregate Shelters.
10/05/2021- The County uses ARPA fund to provide additional staffing in the County Attorney’s office to address the significant backlog of cases due to the pandemic.
10/05/2021- Dakota County allocates ARPA funds for Phase 2 of construction for the Byllesby Dam Turbine Upgrade Project
09/21/2021- The County uses ARPA funds to expand crisis response unit
09/21/2021- This presentation discusses an update on American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds and
Treasury Guidance, review Potential Investments Areas and next steps for ARPA dollars -
07/13/2021- Update on Byllesby Dam Hydropower Redevelopment Project using ARPA dollars
06/08/2021-Receive an update on American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Funding
04/13/2021- This presentation provides an overview of potential uses of funds and discussion on initial priority areas along with next steps the County board is making
State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Compliance R​eport (2021 Q4)
Dakota County 2021 Recovery Plan-Dakota County plans to utilize ARPA funds to build off existing successful projects such as expanding internet access to underserved residents, forming community partnerships with BIPOC organizations, supporting single-parent households, providing COVID-19 testing and generating culturally sensitive public health outreach
08/15/2022-Hennepin County is expected to take a big step Tuesday in helping Minneapolis commercial corridors damaged by the riots following the 2020 police killing of George Floyd. The County Board will vote to use $10 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to make investments in 18 redevelopment projects, business accelerators and nonprofits.
07/27/2022- The Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority approved funding for six projects on June 28 for the second round of the Affordable Housing Development Accelerator fund, which was designed to expedite completion of critical affordable housing projects. Three projects are led by BIPOC developers, and five are in areas impacted by civil unrest. Together, all six projects will create or preserve 519 new affordable housing opportunities. Hennepin County has helped create or preserve 2,523 units of affordable housing across the county through our pandemic recovery funding since these funds were allocated in fall 2021, exceeding our initial goal of 2,000 units. The Hennepin County Housing team has allocated or awarded $37.8 million of the allocated $46 million in pandemic recovery housing funds.
06/24/2022-Elected leaders from major urban counties with over 4.2 million residents this week outlined how they are deploying resources from the American Rescue Plan to respond to urgent community needs including Commissioner Angela Conley from Hennepin County. To access a recording of the briefing, click here
06/22/2022- More than 5 million pounds of food were distributed to more than 300,000 people, thanks to Hennepin County’s Food Insecurity project that launched during COVID-19. Using about $1.5 million in federal dollars supplied by two federal programs, the American Rescue Plan (ARPA) and State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF), Hennepin County allocated a total of $2.75 million to 75 agencies to provide food to underserved or struggling communities.
05/26/2022-Hennepin County has invested $39.8 million in 33 affordable housing and homeownership projects so far in 2022. In total, these projects will create or preserve more than 2,700 units of affordable housing. The Hennepin County Board of Commissioners, acting as the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, approved $27.2 million in pandemic recovery funding supporting a wide range of affordable housing projects
05/07/2022-As the one-time money from the American Rescue Plan and Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act runs out at the end of 2024, Hennepin County homelessness services are facing a $13 million-a-year fiscal cliff. Unless a sustainable source of replacement funding is found, local shelters risk sliding backward.
05/01/2022- Hennepin County is using innovative ways to use its ARPA funds by purchasing multiple hotels and similar properties to serve as protective and isolation shelters for people experiencing homelessness with high vulnerability to the virus.
04/14/2022-Hennepin County Commissioner Chris LaTondresse had his first opportunity to address the Edina City Council in person on April 5 as he provided his annual update on the County Board’s work. The County Board has been allocating federal funds from the American Rescue Plan, LaTondresse said the county has been meeting with stakeholders to determine how to use the $246 million in ARPA funding
04/08/2022- The Twin Cities region was grappling with surging homelessness before the pandemic, which exacerbated the issue. With state, local, nonprofit, and federal funding, Hennepin County has responded with significant investments to fund solutions. The County committed $91 million in American Rescue Plan funding to boost existing and create new programs run by nonprofit partners, and to increase affordable housing development. Of that, $45 million has gone to shelters and support services to swiftly move people out of homelessness and into new housing opportunities.
03/09/2022- The board of commissioners allocated federal funds to maintain the county’s COVID-19 response, reduce gun violence and upgrade elections equipment. Funding comes from the American Rescue Plan Act.
02/25/2022-A virtual info session to discuss Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and ARPA funded work is on Thursday, March 10th at 9 a.m.
Connecting Hennepin uses ARPA funds to address three critical areas of the digital divide: (1) devices, (2) connectivity and internet access, and (3) supports, like digital literacy education.
02/28/2022- The city of Eden Prairie is using its ARPA money for revenue loss.
10/26/2021-Hennepin County designates federal funding to strengthen public health capacity ARPA funds will support hiring up to 30 FTEs to address staffing needs, as well as for community-based grants and tools including technology
10/20/2021- Simpson Housing Services Shelter Project: Accepting funds from Hennepin County and appropriating American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for new emergency shelter facility
04/07/2021 Hennepin County receives additional $240M for COVID-19 expenses.
Elevate Business HC offers Hennepin County businesses no-cost business support designed to help businesses at any stage grow and thrive funding through ARPA dollars
Hennepin County Progress report outlining ARPA project names, allocation amount, project description, current strategies results, and next steps
Hennepin County Recovery Plan- A detailed plan on how ARPA funds will be allocated in Hennepin County
Isanti County
06/10/2022-To support public health and well-being, Isanti County is sponsoring a county-wide initiative called The Happiness Advantage. Isanti County has received federal funds from the American Rescue Plan to help address the fallout from the pandemic, including the lack of social connectedness, and is happy to announce we have invested in an evidenced-based positive psychology program for schools, organizations and our entire community.
10/20/2021-The Isanti County Board of Commissioners approves using American Rescue Plan Act Funds to fund a jail remodel and temporary staff nurses for vaccine clinics
09/21/2021-A mental health initiative designed to combat the mental wellness impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic will be launching within Isanti County using ARPA dollars. During the Isanti County Board meeting Sept. 1, by a 3-2 vote, the board approved a contract with the International Thought Leaders Network to bring the Happiness Advantage/Orange Frog Workshop to Isanti County.
09/14/2021-The Isanti County Board of Commissioners approves using American Rescue Plan Act Funds to fund for several projects including Isanti County Government Center heating, ventilation and air conditioning and Isanti County Sheriff’s building parking lot.
09/01/2021- The meeting approved to use Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the Professional Services Agreement with International Thought Leader Network, LLC, for a countywide mental wellbeing initiative in the amount of $650,000.00.
Le Sueur County
8/8/2022- After two years of being walled off from state broadband dollars, Le Sueur County is reviving efforts to bring high speed internet to nearly 250 rural households. Le Sueur County is renewing efforts to expand rural broadband coverage by partnering with Bevcomm on a Boarder-to-Boarder grant.
12/14/2021- American Rescue Plan Expenditure Authorization Report outlines projects used with ARP funds. The County has received $2.8 million in ARP funds and will receive an additional $2.8 million in May 2022, for a total of $5,610,961
10/03/2022-Ramsey County: Ramsey County opened an Affordable Housing Development Readiness Solicitation, building off two previous solicitations, to increase and preserve the supply of deeply affordable housing options across the county. Ramsey County previously committed $37 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for affordable housing development-- matched by the City of Saint Paul.
07/14/2022- Connectivity Blueprint is an initiative to create a community-guided roadmap to digital equity. The initiative is led by Ramsey County, Saint Paul, and a steering committee of experts. The funding is provided by the American Rescue Plan Act. Through Connectivity Blueprint they are talking with residents about their experience living with limited access to technology, focusing on areas with limited access to the internet and computers and assessing the broader impact on different communities.
07/12/2022-The White House announced that over $40 Billion in American Rescue Plan funds have been committed to strengthening and expanding our workforce. Ramsey County, MN, is supporting its care workforce through a $1 Million Public Health Career Pathways program and addressing a shortage of quality childcare programs by offering new incentives and support. Commissioner Mary Jo McGuire will describe Ramsey County’s Public Health Career Pathways program, which will increase the public health workforce and lift up low wage earners by offering careers as a registered nurse or community health worker.
07/01/2022-The state of Minnesota has notified Ramsey County that it will soon receive $6 million toward homeless services from leftover federal pandemic relief funds, and county officials expect to issue a request for proposals next week. The goal is to secure between 100 and 200 beds for the homeless this fall, with services potentially running into May of 2023.
06/20/2022- With federal relief dollars running dry, Ramsey County has been gradually shuttering a series of shelters set up during the pandemic to house the homeless. Now Gov. Tim Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan are proposing a $6 million emergency cash injection that could fund some 100 to 200 shelter beds through December, if not through the winter of 2023. The governor’s office will present the county’s $6 million request to the same bipartisan legislative committee that has reviewed and approved previous requests for federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act.
05/17/2022-The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority approved an investment of $21.6 million into affordable housing developments. A total of 18 projects were awarded funding on May 10 and May 17. This adds approximately 450 new affordable units to Ramsey County's housing supply with nearly half designated as deeply affordable units at 30% Area Medium Income (AMI). This will dramatically increase the affordable housing supply, aligning with Ramsey County's Economic Competitiveness and Inclusion Plan to close the gap of the 15,000 units needed by residents. Here is a complete list of the Affordable Housing Investments
04/23/2022-Ramsey County officials seek state money to keep services running for the homeless with the closing of the Bethesda shelter. Ramsey County is seeking aid from the federal government as part of the CARES Act and American Rescue Plan.
04/13/2022-Ramsey County and the city of Saint Paul, along with the cities of Detroit and Cleveland, are participating in the Brookings Metro Transforming Cities Lab (TCL). The Lab is structured as an initiative to promote experimentation and piloting of new ideas and practices through a series of meetings and educational sessions. The center of this peer learning project will be the strategic use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to maximize sustainable investment in inclusive and equitable growth.
03/21/2022- Three development projects were submitted to Ramsey County's Inclusive Housing Development Solicitation process for housing development projects that build or preserve inclusive affordable housing. The funding awarded by Ramsey County for the projects will come from a variety of federal and local sources – with a majority available through American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Ramsey County’s Housing and Redevelopment Authority levy.
02/16/2022- Ramsey County opened two solicitations to increase and preserve the supply of affordable housing across the county using ARPA dollars.
02/03/2022- Ramsey County will give $500 to $1000 pandemic bonuses to public health nurses, parks workers, social workers, financial-assistance workers and nursing home staff using some of the $108 million in federal aid as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to cover the bonuses.
12/15/2021- The city of St. Paul and Ramsey County allocate $74 million of ARPA dollars to deeply affordable housing.
03/16/2021- Read how the American Rescue Act comes in all different forms of relief for Ramsey County
Multifamily Housing Solicitation - Using Ramsey County’s ARPA funding available through a competitive solicitation for developers to leverage other funding sources and facilitate the closing of projects in a competitive real estate market. A local funding commitment allows projects to close funding gaps and demonstrate financial readiness.
Ramsey County will receive $108 million from the federal government through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021. Over the next two years, Ramsey County will use these funds to continue supporting individuals, families and the economy as we combat and recover from COVID-19.
Ramsey County Recovery Plan- A detailed plan on how ARPA funds will be allocated in Ramsey County
11/11/2022-Over the past week, a proposal to house up to four men at a time in a home owned by Scott County has led to a public community meeting. Currently, the house is slated to be used for recently incarcerated men that are on probation or supervised release in Scott County and are homeless. An additional $130,000 per year in American Rescue Plan Act funds were approved by the Scott County Commission. According to Bruner, the roughly $90,000 needed to renovate the home will be paid for with ARPA funds.
11/09/2022-2023 Scott County's Budget has been updated to include ARPA funding
11/04/2022-Scott County, in partnership with Damascus Way, opened a reentry home in Shakopee to reduce recidivism and to tackle homelessness for those who previously had a Scott County residence prior to incarceration. Scott County was awarded a five-year grant through the Department of Corrections for $70,000 a year for the services Damascus provides. An additional $130,000 per year in American Rescue Plan Act funds were approved by the Scott County Commissioners.
09/30/ 2022-Scott County has been allocated $28.9 million in ARPA funding. Scott County created a dashboard of a summary of how ARPA funds are being allocated in accordance with eligibility requirements and in alignment with the County Board’s Strategic Plan.
09/14/2022- With the help of federal funding, Scott County is chipping away at a backlog of court cases stemming from the COVID pandemic. Approximately $1.5 million in salaries for other county employees, was being funded by the federal American Rescue Plan through the end of 2024.
09/14/2022-On September 15, 2022, Scott County Library will launch Extended Access at the Elko New Market Library. This free library card add-on benefit allows cardholders aged 16 and older the ability to use the library outside of staffed hours for studying, reading, picking up materials, and more. Scott County plans to expand Extended Access to all locations over the next few years using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.
07/12/2022- Scott County created an ARPA dashboard with ARPA projects. Scott County has been allocated $28.9 million in ARPA funding. The following is a summary of how ARPA funds are being allocated in accordance with eligibility requirements and in alignment with the County Board’s Strategic Plan. A summary of projects is also provided. The spending plan for these funds will be revisited annually as projects are advanced and implemented.
06/28/2022-A public information meeting will be held on July 14th to share the site concept map and additional information about the proposed project for the Cedar Lake Farm Group Camp Site Development. The Scott County Board of Commissioners has identified a project using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to implement planned park improvements at Cedar Lake Farm Regional Park. The project consists of the design and construction of a new group campsite, four camper cabins, and associated infrastructure. Opportunities are being explored for one or more camper cabins to be built by volunteers or through a school program. Participants are welcome to attend any time between 5:30 and 7:30. The meeting will be held in an open house format and visual materials will be on display for review. Project staff will be available to answer questions and collect comments.
04/20/2022-The Scott County Board of Commissioners has identified a project using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to implement planned park improvements at Cedar Lake Farm Regional Park. The project consists of the design and construction of a new group campsite, four camper cabins, and associated infrastructure. Opportunities are being explored for one or more camper cabins to be built by volunteers or through a school program.
04/20/2022- The Scott County Board of Commissioners has identified a project using the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to implement planned park improvements at the future Doyle-Kennefick Regional Park. The project consists of design and construction of a hiking trail network, associated amenities, and support infrastructure on county-owned land. The trails will be designed to support year-round walking/hiking/snowshoeing activities.
04/07/2022-Four park related projects are being considered for inclusion in the ARPA program. Three projects are related to park development and infrastructure, and one project is a market study which will be further discussed in Agenda Item 8.b. The projects are considered to be eligible for ARPA funding under the revenue recapture category. Read an overview of the projects on pg. 2.
03/30/2022- Scott County has published its agenda for its April 6th meeting and will provide an update on park projects that are being considered for implementation as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) program and discuss how the PAC would like to be engaged in the ARPA project designs and implementation
3/09/2022-Scott County officials are exploring the use of federal aid dollars to help close gaps in the mental health care system.
3/05/2022- Scott County outlines how it has used ARPA dollars this year.
Spring 2022- Work on the American Rescue Program Act (ARPA) projects continues. (See page 2, under “Spring Brings new opportunities, projects”)
02/17/2022- : After two intensive works sessions, the Scott County Board provided direction on how ARPA funds should be invested in programs.
02/14/2022- The Scott County Board is exploring options on how to spend American
Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. One idea is a Scott County Mental Health
Crisis Center. -
11/03/2021-Read the overview of ARPA funding available to Scott County along with the process to identify how to invest the funding, and preliminary parks projects being considered for possible funding.
07/16/2021-Scott County Receives Nearly $29 million from ARPA
Fall 2021- Read how the funds may be spent by local agencies to offset public health and economic impacts of COVID-19.
11/05/2022-Two social workers are now on staff in Sherburne County to help address issues related to homelessness. Sherburne County was fortunate to get Community Living Infrastructure Grants and some ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) dollars to fund the social workers on staff. They will be doing outreach at shelters, at River Crest housing, and at encampments where people live outside.
10/20/2022-Sherburne County updated their website to include how their $8.5 million dollars in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money was spent. Individual expenditures range from $36 (signs encouraging mask wearing in the Government Center) to $940,713 (Broadband projects).
10/06/2022-Sherburne County Board OKs spending $450,000 in federal ARPA money at Grams Regional Park. This county park located east of Zimmerman is expected to see about $900,000 in improvements next year. Plans call for a new nature play area, a larger picnic shelter, and an expanded parking lot.
09/29/2022-Great River Regional Library (GRRL) went over the library’s budget in a presentation to the Sherburne County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, Sept. 20. GRRL is a six-county library system headquartered in St. Cloud consisting of 32 libraries and one to-go site in Sherburne, Wright, Stearns, Benton, Morrison and Todd counties. The new developments at GRRL, such as an effort to expand internet services in the parking lots of a number of libraries 24/7, including at the libraries in Elk River, Big Lake and Becker. The project is funded by money from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
07/14/2022-Eight squad cars and a new countywide payroll system are the latest items that will be paid for by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The Sherburne County Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday, July 12, to buy six marked and two unmarked squad cars for the sheriff’s department for a total of $258,000.
06/06/2022- Nonprofits, programs and school districts in Sherburne County will receive American Rescue Plan Act funds after the Sherburne County Board of Commissioners approved applications for the funds at a meeting on May 3.
05/20/2021-Sherburne County expects to get nearly $19 million from the American Rescue Plan Act and recently received guidance from the federal government on how that money could be used.
04/08/2021-Assistant County Administrator Dan Weber gave an update on the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, a $1.9 trillion package signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11. The act is intended to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including the public health and economic impacts, according to the National Association of Counties.
11/04/2022-Washington County came out with an American Rescue Plan Report with status updates on each project along with the dollar amount.
08/09/2022-Washington County created a Pandemic Response Brochure that outlines the county's response efforts. The county developed its current plan for use of the American Rescue Plan funds on pg. 4 of the brochure.
08/02/2022- Nexus Family Healing will manage an emergency shelter for youth that Washington County shares with Dakota County, after the Washington County Board of Commissioners approved a $1.37 million contract with the agency Aug. 2. Due to the closing of a youth shelter in 2018, Washington County youth in need of emergency shelter placement have limited options. In 2021, as part of its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) plan, the County Board approved a one-time capital expenditure to assist Dakota County in acquiring a property in Mendota Heights to be used for youth emergency shelter and licensed as a Children's Residential Facility. Nexus Family Healing has been selected as the service provider for this facility to operate the facility from July 15, 2022, to Dec. 31, 2024.
07/30/2022- The Washington County Board recently signed off on renovations to the boat launch at St. Croix Bluffs Regional Park with plans calling for repairs to the deteriorating concrete ramp, dredging of the harbor and resurfacing the launch's parking lot. The cost of the $1.65 million project partly will be covered by $700,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act
07/29/2022- State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 2022 Report
07/26/2022- The Washington County Board on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, approved a $1.65 million contract with Corcoran-based Sunram Construction to build a new boat ramp at St. Croix Bluffs Regional Park. The project will be paid for with $700,000 of American Rescue Plan Act money, American Rescue Plan Act money, $620,000 from the county’s parks operating fund balance and $350,500 from county program aid
07/19/2022- The board provided an update on bids received and financial review for St. Croix Bluffs Regional Park Boat
Launch Improvement Project with American Rescue Plan dollars. -
07/12/2022-The Washington County Board of Commissioners amended the county’s American Rescue Plan Act 2022 project plan July 12 to provide $7.5 million to invest in an affordable workforce housing project. Washington County received $50,975,893 under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), and the board approved a plan to provide for public health and other safety needs of county residents.
06/28/2022- The Washington County Board of Commissioners had an American Rescue Plan Act 2022 Recovery Plan Workshop to discuss American Rescue Plan Act 2022 Recovery Plan
06/21/2022-The Washington County Board of Commissioners amended the county’s 2021 Annual Action Plan for the HOME Investment Partnership Program American Rescue Plan June 21, to include American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. After the grant request is prepared, it will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
06/14/2022- Washington County outlined the status of each project in Phase 1
05/24/2022-The Washington County Board of Commissioners accepted a grant of $139,992 May 24 from the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office to pay for assistive voting equipment. Assistive voting devices are required by federal law to be available in each polling place, which allows for private and independent voting for voters with disabilities. The required match is funded using two sources, $77,935.83 from the 2022 Help America Vote Act Grant and $62,056.97 from the American Rescue Plan Act.
05/10/2022-The Washington County Board of Commissioners agreed to amend the county’s American Rescue Plan Act April 19, to allow for programs for employment training and transitional housing. Guidance for use of funds changed last May, and county will now use funds to change the scope of the Career Pathways System Project to include adults.
Washington County, led by its County Board and Public Health & Environment Department, played a key role in the response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. The county took a number of actions to address community needs early in the pandemic, and has used federal assistance through the Coronavirus Relief Act (CARES) and American Rescue Plan (ARPA) to support its businesses and residents. This document highlights and provides a summary of those activities.
05/05/2022-The Washington County Board of Commissioners agreed to amend the county’s American Rescue Plan Act April 19, to allow for programs for employment training and transitional housing.
03/29/2022- The Washington County Board of Commissioners has allocated $2 million for investments in broadband within Washington County. The Broadband Grant Program will provide 1:1 matching grant funding to cities, townships, and broadband providers for the expansion of high-speed broadband. Eligible project areas include any unserved or underserved area within Washington County. An unserved or underserved household or business is one that is not currently serviced by a wireline connection that delivers a reliable broadband service with a minimum speed of 100 Mbps download and 20 Mbps upload. Completed projects must allow enrollment in a low-income subsidy program. Recipients may use the funds to cover limited costs incurred for eligible projects on or after March 22, 2022. Applications are accepted on a first come first serve basis.
03/24/2022- The Washington County Board of Commissioners agreed March 22 to update the county’s American Rescue Plan Act funds to support additional internet broadband access in county communities, and assist small businesses.
03/22/2022- The Washington County Board of Commissioners agreed to update the county’s American Rescue Plan Act funds to support additional internet broadband access in county communities and assist small businesses.
02/22/2022- Read about ARPA funds and adopt ARPA project plan
02/18/2022- County staff reviewed ARPA eligibility and potential spending options with board members
02/10/2022- Read about the new County Emergency/Transitional Housing Program created that would support the housing of the homeless until the Washington County ARPA funded 30 bed shelter is operational in the Spring of 2023.
01/25/2022- Washington County board will use ARPA funds to help homeless
11/09/2021-Read how Washington County adopted a resolution to amend the scope of one American Rescue Plan Act project description in the county project plan.
10/19/2021- Read Washington County's resolution to amend the County’s American Rescue Plan Act Project Plan
09/28/2021- Washington County board OK’s federal relief funds for Stillwater retail/housing development
09/06/2021-See how much Washington County receives in ARPA funds
Fall 2021- Read how Washington County will receive about $51 million from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA),
and the County Board has developed a plan on how to use those funds over the next several years to recover from the
COVID-19 pandemic. -
Recovery Plan Performance-Report- the report outlines the use of ARPA funds and how the county is bolstering the Crisis Response Team to address the increasing mental health needs within the county, as well as assist with other payroll costs related to the county’s ongoing response.
09/20/2022- The Wright County board approved three grant applications funded through the American Rescue Plan Act Fund (ARP)
09/06/2022-The Wright County board approved American Rescue Plan Act Funds (ARP) as follows: County ARP Funds: Approval of County Reimbursement of $285.29 for Administrative Expenses-Staff Costs
08/30/2022- The Wright County board approved of use of ARP funds for $139,404.00 5.11 Water and Sewer-City of Montrose and $83.00 7.1 Administrative Expenses-Consultant Support.
08/16/2022- The Wright County $1,421.99 for Administrative Expenses-Staff Costs using ARP dollars
08/08/2022-Wright County will be adding fiber opportunities to 1,645 total households across the county. Wright County was awarded grant funds from the State of Minnesota as part of a Federal Coronavirus Relief Package titled the American Resuce Plan (ARP). With these funds, Counties are expanding infrastructure such as broadband, water/sewer, and ditches. The County would like to address some common questions received with the broadband survey responses regarding government involvement, cost, and provider options.
08/02/2022- The board approved The SHIP Mental Well-Being Program Request, broadband improvements and Administrative Expenses-Consultant Support using American Rescue Plan funds
07/14/2022- American Rescue Plan – State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. This document outlines the proposed processes and uses of Wright County’s American Rescue Plan – State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds allocation. Additional information will be added to the document as details and cost estimates become available and decisions are made.
07/14/2022- Wright County came out with their ARPA Fund Allocation Survey Report. New to the 2021 Community Health Survey, participants were asked, “As Wright County prioritizes support across communities with COVID-19 recovery funds, what areas of concern do you think we should address?”. This free response question was answered by 684 survey participants.
07/05/2022- The board approved The American Rescue Plan Act Funds (ARP) for Administrative Expenses-Staff Costs and Aid to Nonprofit Organizations.
06/28/2022- The board approved of use of ARP funds of $3,510.00 fir Household Assistance.
06/23/2022- To gather community input on the spending of ARPA funding Wright County conducted a survey. The participants in the 2021 Community Health Survey were asked, “As Wright County prioritizes support across communities with COVID-19 recovery funds, what areas of concern do you think we should address?”. The 684 comments received were analyzed and categorized into themes by Wright County Public Health staff. The results from this analysis and recommendations based on the feedback received were published in the ARP Fund Allocation Survey Report
06/07/2022- The board approved the reimbursement of The American Rescue Plan Act Funds (ARP) for Consultant Support.
07/06/2021- Wright County's American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds document
04/01/2021-The American Rescue Plan Act sent $2.8 billion in coronavirus-relief funding to Minnesota, with half of that going directly to counties throughout the state. Wright County was awarded over $26.8 million from the coronavirus-relief program, according to the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
12/01/2022-Minneapolis Park Board advances 2023 budget of $142 million. The spending plan aims to boost youth services and security for downtown Minneapolis parks. Next year will be the second year that the Park Board receives an additional $2.6 million through a combination of American Rescue Plan Act dollars and property taxes to expand youth services. Approved amid rising concerns of youth violence and a dearth of recreational opportunities due to COVID-19, the funding will continue indefinitely, with taxes gradually replacing federal dollars until they run out.
12/01/2022-The City of Minneapolis has appropriated $300,000 in one-time American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to the Co-op Creation Fund to provide grants to start-up cooperatives and businesses converting to worker-owned cooperatives as a pandemic recovery strategy. Forming cooperatives can apply for up to $25,000 in grant funds to support their formation. Please see the Eligibility and Uses Document for eligible uses of grant funds.
10/08/2022-The City of Minneapolis created three grant programs to help create lead-safe and healthy homes. The renovation programs are funded under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant.
09/19/2022-Minneapolis became the third U.S. city to endorse a carbon neutrality goal for shipping last week, joining the California cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach in unanimously passing a so-called “Ship It Zero” resolution. The city, where Target is headquartered, is pressuring big brands to “abandon fossil-fueled ships.”
09/15/2022-The Minneapolis City Council this week began its review of Mayor Jacob Frey’s proposed $3.3 billion budget, unveiled last month, which emphasized efforts to bolster the police department’s ranks and improve public safety. Frey said in his budget address last month that the city used $7 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars to fund retention, recruitment and hiring efforts earlier this year, and another $1 million went to the department to improve lighting and cameras.
07/27/2022- The City is launching a comprehensive effort to recruit talented, diverse applicants for jobs in the police department, 911 and other hard-to-fill positions. That work begins with the search for an outside consultant to create and launch the multi-year recruitment and marketing campaign. This investment of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars over a two-year period will develop and drive a multi-year recruitment marketing strategy to restore the City’s workforce, beginning with filling critical community safety positions.
06/20/2022- Minneapolis: Minneapolis City Council approved a proposal to allocate $50,000 toward culturally specific communication programs for East African communities. The funding comes from the second phase of the American Rescue Plan, which was approved on May 26. Vendors will be government contractors responsible for taking city news and making it easily accessible to previously unreached East African residents.
05/20/2022-Minneapolis City Council members continued to consider uses for the city's remaining $43 million of American Rescue Plan funding, unanimously agreeing on more funding for business assistance in cultural districts, culturally specific communications to the East African community and streetlights for the Stevens Square neighborhood.
05/18/2022-Minneapolis City Council members want to use American Rescue Plan funding to solicit feedback on how to develop the former Third Precinct site, buy vans for mobile mental health units, and create a pilot program helping small businesses adapt to new labor laws
05/16/2022-Mayor Jacob Frey joined Council Vice President Linea Palmisano, Council Member Jamal Osman, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Superintendent Al Bangoura and President Meg Forney, as well as community partners like Green Minneapolis to highlight $1 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding dedicated to programming to expand the urban tree canopy as part of the Green Minneapolis Climate Resiliency Initiative.
05/10/2022-The city of Minneapolis plans to invest $3 million in federal funds in an effort to end childhood lead poisoning from rental housing. On Tuesday morning, Mayor Jacob Frey, city leadership and community partners highlighted the proposed investment in American Rescue Plan Act funding, which Frey previously announced in his 2022 State of the City address.
05/02/2022-The City Council’s Budget Committee held a presentation on Mayor Jacob Frey’s proposed spending plan for the City’s remaining $43 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars. Mayor Frey Mayor Frey outlined the spending plan for the remaining ARPA dollars during his State of the City Address on April 26. It includes investments in affordable housing, the City’s response to homelessness, community safety, inclusive economic recovery initiatives, and climate and public health funding. The City has been awarded $271 million in ARPA funding.
04/26/2022-Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey delivered his first State of the City address of his second term. Frey highlighted the structural changes underway within the City of Minneapolis, from the new Office of Community Safety to accelerated investments in affordable housing, inclusive recovery, and violence prevention. He also outlined his proposal for spending the remaining $43 million dollars of the total $271 million awarded to the City of Minneapolis through the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.
04/26/2022-Mayor Frey pitches plan to use ARPA funding for violence prevention, housing, and mental health services. Frey pitched his plan for using the city's remaining $43 million in American Rescue Plan funding as part of a larger effort to help Minneapolis bounce back from a tumultuous two-year period that was marked by the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd's murder.
04/21/2022-Minneapolis leaders met with staff from the White House Community Violence Intervention Collaborative (CVIC) on Thursday afternoon to discuss how to prevent violence in the city. The national initiative is a cohort of 16 cities committed to using American Rescue Plan (ARP) funding or other public funding to build out their community violence intervention infrastructure. St. Paul is also part of the collaborative.
04/01/2022- Mayor Jacob Frey has joined House America on behalf of the City of Minneapolis. House America, a national partnership with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), focuses on a housing-first approach of prioritizing immediate re-housing efforts and building additional housing for people experiencing homelessness. HUD and USICH have invited mayors, county leaders, Tribal nation leaders, and governors to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) investments as part of a unified effort to address the nation’s homelessness crisis.
04/01/2022- Schedule Eight Expenses by Department in the American Rescue Plan Act Fund
03/28/2022-Mayor Jacob Frey in November 2021 delivered recommendations to city leaders on Monday morning that they believe will provide a more inclusive economic recovery as the area deals with the fallout from the pandemic and 2020 riots after the death of George Floyd. Frey added that he will announce how the recommendations fit into a broader investing plan that will include the second round of American Rescue Plan Act funding.
03/22/2022-Minneapolis approved rolling over American Rescue Plan Act funds from 2021 to 2022 for items that were delayed or not completed during the 2021 budget year for several operating departments
03/09/2022- Minneapolis Public Schools used $159.4 million that came last March from ARPA.
08/13/2021- Read how Mayor Frey is taking a disciplined approach to future budgets by dedicating a significant share of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to insulate residents from massive property tax hikes in 2022 and beyond.
07/01/2021-Read how Mayor Frey’s spending plan as The Minneapolis Council is set to approve plans for distributing the first chunk of the city’s ARP funds
06/23/2021- Read how The White House chose Minneapolis, St. Paul for violence prevention strategy using American Rescue Plan funds
06/04/2021- Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey outlined his proposal for spending the first of two rounds of the $271 million in federal funding awarded to the City of Minneapolis through the passage of the American Rescue Plan funding
The City of Minneapolis Recovery Plan on how the City of Minneapolis is using their APRA funds
ARP Phase 1 Summary for ARP dollars
Prior Lake
02/24/2022- City leaders have finalized the spending plan for the allocation of federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant funds. The City of Prior Lake will receive a total of $2.88 million in ARPA grant funds over a two-year period.
10/20/2022-After a closed session hearing on Oct. 15, the Savage City Council announced at the recommendation of staff that they would continue to negotiate with the owners of the Quality Inn as they consider whether to purchase the hotel. CAP also has an Emergency Shelter Program in which people who are considered homeless can stay at a hotel for up to 30 days. CAP is only able to have six households at a time on the program, and the waitlist is currently closed with 40 households on it. From July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, the program served 95 households, including 111 adults and 37 children. Misel noted that they were able to use American Rescue Plan Act funds during that time period, allowing for more people to be part of the program than normal.
09/17/2022- When Savage officials asked residents how the city should spend $3.53 million in American Rescue Plan funds, one response kept popping up: on free mental health resources. The city decided to provide a $3,500 grant to the National Alliance on Mental Illness to host a series of mental health classes.
07/18/2022-The Savage EDA has allocated $152,500 to support local small businesses that have had financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically targeting local businesses who have not received assistance from other pandemic related programs or businesses who have impacts that have exceeded other assistance received. Small businesses will be eligible for grants of up to $15,000. The Savage EDA is working with NextStage (Program Administrator), a local non-profit business, to collect and review the applications, and award program grants. This initiative is being funded by the City of Savage’s allocation from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
04/19/2022-The City of Savage will receive $3.53 million in one-time direct federal aid from the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The funding is meant to provide relief from the COVID-19 pandemic to cities across the nation to boost the economy. Through community engagement in late 2021, a spending plan was developed and approved in early 2022. Projects are beginning to be implemented throughout 2022 and 2023.
03/24/2022-As a part of the city’s pledge to conserve water, the City of Savage is allocating a portion of the $3.53 million in ARPA funding for a new irrigation system at Community Park.
03/12/2022-Support for local businesses, reducing water usage and library renovation are among the top initiatives to be supported by Savage’s share of federal aid, according to a spending plan adopted by city officials this week.
02/17/2022- Read how support for local businesses and investments in housing and mental health resources are among the Savage City Council’s top priorities for spending the city’s latest share of federal relief aid.
St. Paul​​
11/10/2022- The City of Saint Paul has released the second solicitation for the 30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing Program. Applications are due Wednesday, November 30, 2022, by 4:30 p.m. The current solicitation aims to facilitate the creation of multifamily rental housing units affordable to households at or below the 30% Area Median Income (AMI) level ($35,190 for a family of four). This is the second solicitation for the City of Saint Paul’s 30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing Fund. Through this program, the city will invest $37 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to increase the supply of housing for extremely low-income residents earning less than 30% of the Area Median Income.
11/10/2022-In St. Paul, business cooperatives, artists and low-income families looking to weatherize their homes will soon be able to apply to the city for financial assistance, as can restaurants looking to add outdoor dining. St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter’s office announced this week that the city will oversee the distribution of $4.65 million in federal American Rescue Plan funding for community-owned businesses, home improvements for low-income families and cultural and arts initiatives, as well as help paying so-called restaurant “SAC” fees, or sewer charges. More here.
11/04/2022-The City of Saint Paul is currently soliciting proposals through its 30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing Program. Applications will be accepted from October 27, 2022 through November 30, 2022. The goal of this RFP is to offer the City’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to developers to facilitate the creation of multifamily rental housing that includes units affordable to households at or below the 30% Area Median Income level ($35,190 for a family of four).
10/12/2022-The City Council on Wednesday voted to continue to work with a coalition of nonprofit organizations intent on developing six units of deeply affordable housing at 652 Sherburne Ave. in Frogtown, even though the project likely would entail $1 million in future city funding. The Sherburne Collective plans to rely on $1.68 million from Ramsey County, which has created a deeply affordable housing fund backed by federal dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act.
10/06/2022-St. Paul waives fees for some youth sports thanks to $1.5M from American Rescue Plan. The initiative is part of $1.5 million investment in parks and rec thanks to a federal grant
09/30/2022-In June, Mayor Carter announced CollegeBound Boost, an initiative to expand Saint Paul’s guaranteed income and college savings programs. This new demonstration project will provide 333 low-income families enrolled in the CollegeBound Saint Paul program with a combination of $500 in guaranteed income payments each month for two years and deposits of $1,000 for each of their child’s CollegeBound Saint Paul college savings account. This initiative is supported by $4 million in American Rescue Plan funds and $1 million from philanthropy.
09/30/2022-Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic violence shelters in the Twin Cities have been consistently full. Now, after years of turning away those in need, a St. Paul-based nonprofit recently received funding to address the shortage. Starting Saturday, Women’s Advocates will begin providing four rooms at a time for up to 10 days at Twin Cities hotels for adults and their families in need of emergency shelter. The hotel-stay program was granted $20,000 through the American Rescue Plan, which is expected to fully fund it for about a year.
09/27/2022- In one of the city's poorest neighborhoods, activists are forming a collective to spur affordable housing development. The county and the city are poised to put in $900,000 using federal American Rescue Plan money to fill that gap.
09/22/2022- The St. Paul Police Department is asking for $130 million from the city in 2023, with plans to address gun violence and staffing shortages that interim Police Chief Jeremy Ellison said have reached a critical point. The department's 2023 budget proposal includes funding to hire two additional academies, thanks in part to a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice and federal American Rescue Plan dollars. If approved, the department's roster of full-time employees — which includes civilian staff — would grow from 763 to 782.
09/18/2022- The cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis have both embarked on temporary guaranteed income projects for dozens of families apiece, with the goal in part to prove the efficacy of such programs through scholarly research. The St. Paul effort is backed by $4 million in federal American Rescue Plan funding and $1 million from the Bush Foundation and McKnight Foundation.
08/31/2022-The Saint Paul City Council approved the second allocation for a project utilizing the City’s 30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing Fund at their meeting on August 24, 2022. The Soul Apartments, a Schafer Richardson development at the intersection of Robert Street and Plato Boulevard on the City’s West Side, will add much-needed deeply affordable housing for Saint Paul families. Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to expand the amount of stable, permanent, affordable housing for Saint Paul’s lowest-income residents, who are most cost-burdened and disproportionately affected by the housing crisis.
08/23/2022- St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter sees the city's libraries as the hub of community life, places where people write resumes, get homework help and connect with services. Carter tapped federal American Rescue Plan funds to restore cuts to library staffing from the previous year. In 2023, he said he is recommending putting those positions back in the library's general fund.
08/11/2022- City of Saint Paul State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Recovery Plan Performance Reports including a detailed list of the American Rescue Plan Summary on pg. 30
08/03/2022- Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) received about $207 million in American Rescue Plan funds to be used in various capacities over the next three years. The district allocated funds to help with retention and hiring efforts this year. A portion of the funds used for COVID-19 response efforts and for long term student outcomes will go toward efforts to retain and hire more bus drivers.
07/23/2022-St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter has smartly decided to invest $10 million right where it's needed most — violent crime reduction. Much of the money is a one-time boon from the federal American Rescue Plan which allows funds to be spent on public safety. Earlier this year, the city also accepted a $3.75 million "Community Oriented Policing Services" grant from the U.S. Justice Department that will allow it to hire 30 police officers. St. Paul plans to match that COPS grant with an additional $2 million
07/15/2022- Alongside Federal and City leaders, Mayor Carter announced an array of new efforts to support safer outcomes in neighborhoods across Saint Paul. Project PEACE, led by the Office of Neighborhood Safety, is a new initiative focused on deterring gun violence in our community through prevention, environmental design, accountability, community action, and enforcement. The Mayor also announced $10 million in new investments funded through City of Saint Paul American Rescue Plan funds including $4 million for Office of Neighborhood Safety community grants, $3 million in expanded programming and supports in our recreation centers and libraries, a $2 million match for the Department of Justice COPS grant program, and $1 million to support pedestrian-traffic safety.
07/13/2022- Mayor Carter announced $15.3 million in City of Saint Paul American Rescue Plan (ARP) workforce investments to support economic opportunity for members of our community, including expanded pathways for youth employment. In combination with Ramsey County’s commitment of $9.5 million, the announcement reflects a combined investment of $24.8 million in ARP funding for high-quality job training programs and workforce initiatives throughout Saint Paul and Ramsey County
06/29/2022-Mayor Melvin Carter announced CollegeBound Boost, an initiative to expand Saint Paul’s guaranteed income and college savings programs. Led by the Saint Paul Office of Financial Empowerment, this new demonstration project will provide 333 low-income families enrolled in the CollegeBound Saint Paul program with a combination of $500 in guaranteed income payments each month for 2 years and deposits of $1,000 each for their child’s CollegeBound Saint Paul college savings account. Supported by $4 million in American Rescue Plan funds, and $1 million from philanthropy, eligible CollegeBound families will be randomly selected for the CollegeBound Boost program starting summer 2022.
06/29/2022-St. Paul is planning to distribute a second wave of $500 monthly cash payments to low-income families over two years, Mayor Melvin Carter announced Wednesday. City Council will need to approve the funding of $4 million the city was allocated from the federal American Rescue Plan Act and $1 million from philanthropic donors.
06/08/2022-The Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Board recently received an update on the first round of funding from the City’s 30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing Fund. Approximately one-third (~$12 million) of the previously announced $37.5 million American Rescue Plan (ARPA) investment will be deployed to support these projects, which will increase the supply of deeply affordable multifamily rental housing in Saint Paul.
05/06/2022-The city of St. Paul has announced the opening of a grant application procedure for tourism-related companies that were struck hard by the pandemic’s lack of foot traffic. Seven people sought for a piece of the $4.5 million in relief funds made available by the federal American Rescue Plan Act or ARPA. All seven applications received varied levels of grant funds from the St. Paul City Council on Wednesday.
05/05/2022-Not long ago, the city of St. Paul opened a grant application process for tourism-related businesses that had been hard hit by a loss of foot traffic during the pandemic Seven applicants applied for a share of the $4.5 million in relief dollars, which stem from the federal American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA. On Wednesday, the St. Paul City Council approved varying levels of grant funding for all seven applicants.
05/01/2022-The City of St. Paul outlined in detail how they plan to spend their ARPA dollars on pg. 34
04/11/2022-A homeless crisis had spilled over into sizable clusters of tents parked on public property across from St. Paul City Hall and situated on other empty lots, woods, and parkland throughout the city. In response, city and county officials used federal American Rescue Plan funding to relocate everyone they could into rented hotel rooms or new or existing shelters set up seemingly overnight. However, as federal relief funding runs out, many of the temporary shelters set up in the early days of the pandemic are now closing.
04/08/2022-Mayor Melvin Carter discusses how St. Paul is using the $166 million dollars of American Rescue Plan Act money on resources for public safety and doing inspections for building permits online.
04/03/2022- Mayor Melvin Carter announced this week an influx of federal dollars from the American Rescue Plan will make it possible for the St. Paul Regional Water Service to replace lead service lines faster than originally anticipated
03/31/2022- The City of Saint Paul created the 30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing Fund with its ARPA allocation in order to expand housing supply for extremely low-income residents. The City is soliciting applications to fund eligible developments located within the boundaries of Saint Paul. This current solicitation is the first to be released for the 30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing Fund.
03/24/2022- The St. Paul City Council authorized moving $4 Millon in federal American Rescue Plan funding to launch a lead pipe replacement fund.
03/21/2022-St. Paul accepts $3.75M in grant funding toward hiring new SPPD officers using ARPA dollars
03/15/2022-The City of Saint Paul has approved $4.5 million of federal American Rescue Plan funding to support tourism recovery in Saint Paul. The Tourism Recovery Support Program is meant to provide grants to organizations able to demonstrate that their normal, pre-pandemic operations have a significant impact on tourism in Saint Paul, and who suffered negative economic impacts from the pandemic which currently threaten the solvency of the organization and/or have a profound impact on the organization’s ability to conduct its normal operations
02/22/2022- Mayor Carter is planning to use the ARPA money for police officers, gun safes, extension of the city's guaranteed income pilot that would distribute monthly payments to 300 low-income families for two years.
12/15/2021- The City of St. Paul and Ramsey County allocate $74 million of ARPA dollars to deeply affordable housing
12/13/2021-Read how the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County is investing $74 Million in Federal ARPA Funding for Deeply Affordable Housing
09/01/2021- St. Paul allocates $3.5M in American Rescue Plan funds to be used to support a law enforcement career academy, restore city staff positions in several departments, and repair the deteriorating RiverCentre parking ramp.
08/16/2021- St. Paul eyes $3.5 million in federal ARP funds for RiverCentre ramp, libraries, vaccine incentives
07/23/2021- Read how St. Paul City Council is reconsidering spending $5.1 M on 6 uses ranging from housing the homeless to police patrols.
04/08/2021-Read how Aid Coming to St. Paul Neighborhoods could help with the expansion of the Child Tax Credit (CTC), support for affordable childcare, and additional resources for Head Start and Early Head Start.
City of Saint Paul State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Recovery Plan Performance Reports
The updates on this page have been provided by city and county staff.
Please contact Jocelyn Jimenez to post updates at
Apple Valley
04/28/2022-The city has been planning for improvement projects at the Central Maintenance Facility and fire stations. The city could use $2.72 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding and apply for a sales tax refund for the construction of the fire stations, which is estimated at $700,000. This means the city could levy roughly an additional $36.1 million to complete all the CMF and fire station improvements if the first two options are used.
04/14/2022- The Apple Valley City Council adopted the resolution shown below which elects the standard allowance for revenue replacement and provides a summary of our anticipated use of $5,647,258 in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
05/11/2021- See how much Apple Valley is receiving from American Rescue Plan
02/02/2022-ARP Report March to December 2021
05/11/2021-Read how much Bloomington will get from American Rescue Plan
05/10/2021- -Resident feedback guides Bloomington to address COVID-19 budget impacts
08/24/2022- A partnership between Brooklyn Park and the Organization of Liberians in Minnesota has connected 42 students with employment, according to a report delivered to the City Council Aug. 1. The Organization of Liberians in Minnesota was awarded an $82,500 American Rescue Plan contract for July 2022-23. Of the total, approximately $62,000 was allocated to continue the program.
07/20/2022-Crime remains down nearly a year after Brooklyn Park Police launched a partnership with non-profit Minnesota Acts Now. The community outreach program is gaining praise from local officials. In January, the City Council approved $1.2 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to continue this work through Dec. 31, 2022. Brooklyn Park Police started partnering with Minnesota Acts Now in August 2021. The organization began with daily patrols at Brookdale Dr. N and Yates Ave. N. According to BPPD data, there was an immediate drop in crime rates and calls for service. Both remained low in the year that followed.
03/11/2022-Read how American Rescue Plan is helping communities all around the fifty states including Brooklyn Park. They are using some of the funds toward violence intervention and interruption activities.
02/28/2022- The City has released a Request for Qualification (RFQ) for business finance professionals to provide financial consulting services to organizations that will be funded under the city’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Brooklyn Park Economic Development Authority Community Partnership Program (CPP) community funding opportunity. Due: March 7, 2022, at 5:00pm.
01/14/2022- Read how Brooklyn Park is offering some of its $11.5 million to community groups for violent intervention.
01/12/2022- Brooklyn Park American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Economic Development Authority Community Partnership Funding Q&A document
06/22/2021- Read how Brooklyn Park received $11 Millon from American Rescue Plan
The City of Brooklyn Park issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for community organizations responding to the public health emergency or negative economic impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as advancing inclusive economic development
The following report reviews resident input into how the City should best use federal funding provided by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) through an analysis of responses to a survey designed by Zencity and deployed by the City of Brooklyn Park.
04/05/2022- The City of Burnsville met to discuss and authorize the recognition of all ARPA funds by loss revenue and assign the unallocated $2 million to support government services.
03/10/2022-On pg. 7 Burnsville’s Mayor Elizabeth Kautz gave examples of how Burnsville is using ARPA funds to maintain staffing levels (e.g., police, fire, building inspection); and to support capital equipment costs
03/09/2022- Watch a video from Burnsville’s Mayor Elizabeth Kautz about the impact on their cities from the American Rescue Plan in Burnsville.
2022- City of Burnsville Budget- Read how Burnsville is using their ARPA dollars based on community feedback
Winter 2022- Beginning in 2022 and running through 2024, $2 million per year of the $8.04 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant will be used to mitigate cost increases in the General Fund. Supplemental ARPA funding and additional refinements result in a lower levy increase for each of the next three years.
12/07/2021- 2022 Annual Budget Since June, the City Council has affirmed a plan to reduce the overall levy increase to 4.8% by using $2 million annually in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) revenue recovery Funds and one-time uses of fund balance annually for 3 Years. Results include a lower levy increase and evens out those increases over 5 years. This approach leaves $2 million of ARPA funds available to be used for other projects or priorities in the next 5 years.
08/05/2021- Council Priorities ARPA Survey-Community members were asked to identify which of the Council Strategic Priority areas they would like to see the city make investments to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and target ARPA-related efforts
08/05/2021- Burnsville Levy Increase See how Levy Increases over 5 years with supplemental ARPA revenue recovery funding
Fall 2021-Read about how Burnsville used a public poll earlier this year to ask community members where they would like to see the City make investments through the funds provided by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
1/11/2022 - Read an update on how Eagan has used and is planning to use ARPA Funds to date
1/11/2022 - See a schedule of possible future funding scenarios for the funds here
09/30/2021- Read how Eagan identifies key early projects it wants to tackle with COVID-19 relief funds
Eden Prairie
The Eden Prairie School District has already received more than $3.4 million in COVID relief funds through the CARES act. Another estimated $2.8 million is expected from the relief package passed in January. The district is awaiting guidance from the Minnesota Department of Education about the exact amount and allowable uses for those funds.
11/30/2022-Edina City Manager Scott Neal presented the proposed plan for a second round of federal pandemic relief funds at the City Council’s Nov. 15 meeting. Under the proposal, 32% of the American Rescue Plan Act funds would go toward government operations, 24% to housing, 12% to public health, 10% to economic and workforce development, 10% to infrastructure, 6% to public safety and 2% to community aid. In total, the city of Edina received $4.9 million in ARPA funds. The city allocated $2.6 million of the funding last year, and the council will vote whether to approve phase two of the spending plan at its Dec. 6 meeting.
10/05/2022-The Edina Theater had its first night of operation since the movie house closed at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The city viewed the Edina Theater as enough of an economic driver to warrant $200,000 in COVID-related American Rescue Plan Act funds and a $300,000 forgivable loan from the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority. City documents associated with that funding estimated the renovation would cost $1.5 million.
05/25/2022-The Edina Theatre is gearing up to reopen this summer following a massive renovation of the historic cinema. The theater has since been allocated $500,000 in funds for renovations, including $200,000 as part of the city’s allotment of federal American Rescue Plan Act money and $300,000 from the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority in the form of a forgivable loan.
04/29/2022-The city of Edina is seeking volunteers to help plant 200 trees of 22 different species in Rosland Park. The volunteers will join park maintenance staff and the Tree Trust to plant the trees on Friday, May 6. The event kicks off the “NextGen Trees” effort to plant 1,000 trees across Edina by the end of 2023 as part of the city’s use of American Rescue Plan Act funds. Other upcoming events include tree and compost giveaways to Edina residents, the city news release said
04/21/2022-Edina City Manager Scott Neal is asking community members to share ideas on how the second half of the city’s federal American Rescue Plan Act, or ARPA, dollars should be spent, according to a city news release.
04/08/2022-Click here for a PDF overview of the different ways the City of Edina has been able to respond to the pandemic with support from both the federal CARES Act and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.
04/08/2022-The City of Edina continues to respond to the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about the current work supported by American Rescue Plan Act funds. Watch the Prezi to get a detailed look at the eligible use of ARPA dollars.
April 2022- The Edina Chamber of Commerce shifted its business accelerator into the Edina Innovation Hub, using the $100,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding from the City of Edina to launch it later this year.
03/31/2022-The City of Edina is holding community meetings and collecting ideas online for how to utilize the Round 2 ARPA funding during the month of April 2022.
03/10/2022-The City of Edina is sponsoring free high-speed internet for income-qualified residents through Comcast’s Internet Essentials program until the end of December 2022. This benefit is made possible using up to $500,000 of the City’s allocated federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, a total of more than $4.9 million designated for providing pandemic relief and boosting the local economy.
03/09/2022- Watch a video from Edina’s Mayor James Hovland about the impact from the American Rescue Plan in Edina.
The city has scheduled three meetings in April to gather input and ideas from the community on how to use the second half of the city's ARPA dollars. Please RSVP here for the following sessions:
Tuesday, April 26th - Noon (virtual)
Wednesday, April 27th - 4:30 p.m. (In person at Hughes Pavilion, Centennial Lakes)
Thursday, April 28th – 7 p.m. (virtual)
March 2022- The city gave the 50th & France Business & Professional Association $100,000 in ARPA funding.
02/01/2022- Read how Free High- Speed Internet will be available up to 2,100 households in 2022 using ARPA Funds
The City of Edina is supporting small business impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through a Technical Assistance Program (TAP) focused on digital marketing.
January 2022- To help Edina families, the City is giving $142,000 of its 2021 allotment of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to the EEF’s Mental Health Campaign.
01/04/2022- Read how ARPA funds are being used to help fund different redevelopment projects
12/23/2021- A new city program has launched to provide support to small Edina businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Edina Technical Assistance Program (TAP) was created earlier this month to aid businesses that do not have large marketing budgets or staff resources.
November 2021-the city will use the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to focus on programs and services to quickly assist Edina residents and small businesses most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
09/23/2021- Edina approves spending for half of federal pandemic funds
09/20/2021- The City wanted to hear from the public about ways to consider spending the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
09/09/2021- Read Edina's ARPA Implementation Plan
04/06/2022- Read how Lakeville plans to spend it's ARPA dollars
04/02/2021- Lakeville Area District 194 will get $2.73 million using American Rescue Plan Act
Maple Grove
04/01/2022- Maple Grove officials said in January that they planned to spend some of that funding to help businesses and nonprofits, including the Maple Grove Hospital and CROSS Services, with grant recovery programs, CCX Media reported. The funding will also help the city replace some of the revenues it has lost over the past two years due to the coronavirus pandemic, the report states.
01/18/2022- Read how Maple Grove is accepting American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Federal Funding and using that funding for revenue losses incurred in fiscal year 2020 and applying those funds towards public safety operating expenses in fiscal year 2021.
10/18/2021- Read how ARPA funds are being used to local non-profit organizations
05/11/2021-Read how much Maple Grove will get from American Rescue Plan