October 1st, 2021
Hello, and welcome to the first Friday Update from GREATER MSP's Federal Funding Hub!
Friday Update Purpose
The purpose of these weekly updates is to share information so that our region can make the most of the opportunities under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). We included you on this list because we've engaged with you in the past on this work.
If you'd rather not receive these updates, no problem, just let me know. Also, please send me a message if you know someone who wants to be added.
Hub News
Last week, we had the first meeting of the Federal Funding Hub's City/County Work Group. Over 60 elected officials and staff attended, discussing the following items:
The purpose of this initiative. Attendees participated in a poll to gauge their current challenges related to ARPA. Top items included: (1) knowing what uses are eligible - 36%, (2) using data and promising practices to inform decisions - 26%, and (3) getting community input and participation in decisions - 17%.
Our region's Build Back Better application. Amanda Taylor shared an update on the Build Back Better Regional Challenge application that GREATER MSP is coordinating. The Phase I application, which is due on October 19th, will focus on developing the region's bio cluster.
An update on the state's ARP funding. DEED Commissioner Steve Grove shared information about how the state is making decisions around its remaining $1 billion+ in ARPA funding. In the near term, the Governor's Council on Economic Expansion will be meeting weekly to develop recommendations to be presented in November. The Commissioner invited participants to attend those meetings and suggest topics for discussion.
Be in Touch
Future work group meetings like this, as well as these email updates and the forthcoming website are all spaces for you to share information and work together with other leaders on common challenges related to ARPA. Please be in touch with your suggestions of how to best use these resources. You can always book time with me via my scheduling app or give me a call.
Similarly, if you know of a resource that others would find helpful, or if you have some news from your jurisdiction about ARP you'd like to share, please send them my way! I'd be happy to spread the word.
Thank you!