American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
In March 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) authorized $1.9 trillion to address economic challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, including $8.5 billion to Minnesota. Considering this unprecedented level of federal investment, GREATER MSP has created this Federal Funding Hub to share information, create connections, and promote transparency regarding the ARPA in our region.
ARPA Funding
ARPA contains many different types of funding streams, from direct payments to individuals, to formula grants to local governments, to competitive funds that many types of entities can apply to receive.
This Hub is focused on two components of ARPA: (1) maximizing the impact of allocations received by our region’s cities and counties, and (2) supporting regional partners to identify and apply for competitive grants.
GREATER MSP is the economic development partnership for the 15-county Minneapolis Saint Paul region. Over 300 leading businesses, universities, cities, counties, philanthropies and others are working together to accelerate the competitiveness of the regional economy and drive inclusive economic growth through job creation, capital investment and the execution of strategic initiatives.
For more information on GREATER MSP, go to GreaterMSP.org.
How can I stay connected?
You can sign up for weekly updates via this form:
For other questions or comments, please contact Allison Bell, Federal Funding Hub Lead, at allison.bell@greatermsp.org